We Use
Maria’s Voice to

Engage the public community-wide through three pillars of domestic violence prevention:

Awareness, Education and Safe Action.

Maria’s Voice honors Maria Pew, whose life was taken at age 28 by domestic violence in April, 2020. Maria always said she was one of the luckiest girls in the world to be adopted from an orphanage in Mexico City by Lissa and Bill …

Use Your Organization’s Voice to
Prevent Domestic Abuse

Maria’s Voice Prevention Network provides domestic abuse prevention education. National award winning video education in English and Spanish make for easy and accessible learning for employees/members of cities, businesses, organizations & faith communities. Increases safety, health and wellness.

The Impact of Community Education

After Maria's tragic death from domestic violence in 2020, Maria’s Voice began educating the public about the signs of domestic abuse. Our educational programs stress awareness of this crisis, education about the signs, and safe actions to safely exit a relationship before violence escalates. Maria’s Voice works to prevent abuse and create safe homes for all.

480+K people were reached with domestic violence prevention education in 2024: That’s more than the entire population of Minneapolis!

  • 16 community and resource guide ads helped amplify our message, ensuring that prevention education reached even more households and workplaces.

  • 4 newsletters and 4 newspaper articles spotlighted domestic violence prevention and the work of Maria’s Voice. Public awareness grew as our story was shared in print and online.

  • 1 billboard on Highway 694 made a bold statement, reminding thousands of drivers every day to “Know the Signs” and take action.

  • 1 Fifth Annual Tribute to Domestic Violence Awareness & Prevention Month brought together survivors, families, and advocates in a powerful moment of reflection and action.

  • From community events to workplace trainings, Maria’s Voice reached more people than ever before.

  • 365+ social media posts sparked conversations and empowered our growing community to take action. Our message spread far and wide, engaging new voices and strengthening our impact.

  • 41 speaking events and trainings brought domestic violence prevention education to key leaders, organizations, and the public. Attendees walked away with the knowledge to help create safe homes and healthy relationships.

  • 26 community events and expos buzzed with activity. Our booth was a hub of energy at safety expos, kids’ camps, and farmers markets across the Metro. Families stopped by to learn, kids eagerly engaged with Rocky, and survivors found a place where their voices were heard and valued.

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